From July 20 to July 28, 2019, 25 undergraduatesof Class 2017in Archival Science at the School of Management went to Taiwanforarchivalbusiness visits andinternship, led by Mr.Zhang Weidong andMs.Guo Yu. Theprogramwas organized by ChineseCulture University(CCU), asisterschool of Jilin University. During theprogram, studentslivedin theon-campusdormitoryof CCU. Theyhadthe opportunity to experience the learning atmosphere ofTaiwaneseuniversities,and study and communicate withCCUstudents. Thisprogram focused ontwoaspects: thematic courses andfieldvisits.
In thematic courses, teachersatthe Chinese Culture University gave wonderfulspecializedcourses, including E-Commerce and Social Networking, Overviewand Practice of Library and Information Science, Theory and PracticeofDigitalArchive, Cloud Computing and Mobile Technology,and Information Technologyasan Efficient ManagementInstrument.Teachers took the development of Taiwan as an examplewhen introducing theories, andexplainedarchivalbusinessin simple termsfrom different perspectives.
During thefieldvisits, studentsvisitedinstitutions and places related toarchival business such asthelibrary and the museumof CCU, andTaipeiPalace Museum. At Taipei Palace Museum, studentsparticipated incultural relics training courses andcircularexhibitions.Teachers and staffatthe library and museumsexplainedtheirhistory and development, layout and function, books and collections, andcommunicatedwithand answered questionsfromstudents onprofessionalissues.From the field visits,studentsgainedknowledge aboutinformation management and archive digitalization ininstitutions such aslibraries and museums in Taiwan. They also hadan in-depthlook intolocalhistorical changes and cultural heritage, andenhancedtheir humanities accomplishment.
Inthesevendays, students studied together with local teachers and students, deeply experienced the daily study and life of studentsinTaiwan universities, andmadegood friends, bringing the trip to asuccessfulconclusion. After theprogram, studentssaidthat they had learned a lot.
Though notforlong, it was enough for me to experience theprofoundlearning atmosphere and good teacher-student relationshipatChinese Culture University. The teachers were very patient and explainedprofessional knowledge in plain language. Among them,I was mostimpressed by Ms. Wu Ruixiu,director of the library of ChineseCulture University. Shetookthe campus library and Taipei Palace Museum as examples to explainthe good development ofLibrary and Information ScienceinTaiwan.
——Liu Yinpeng,a2017 Undergraduate, School of Management
During the exchange at Chinese Culture University, wetookthe courses taught by teachers at Chinese Culture University,looked intoprofessionalissuesfrom different perspectives, andgained a first-handexperienceofTaiwanesecustoms and culture in a week.Wehad a deeperunderstandingof the cultural differences between the two sides of the Strait,andalso deeplyrealizedthattheculturesof the Mainland and Taiwan sharethe sameroot, the peoplelivingon both sides of theStraitsshare ties ofblood, and Taiwan is an integral part of China.
——Wang Xinyu, a2017Undergraduate,School of Management
Iamverygladto study andexplorein Taiwan with my classmates whosharemypassion and dreams.During theshort7-day trip to Taiwan, I saw different modes of teaching, assessment, and course learningon both sides ofthe Taiwan Straits, whichexpandedmy horizons and improved mycomprehensiveaccomplishment.Duringthetrip to Taiwan,what is important, Ithink,is not only the knowledgewritteninbooks, but also the social knowledge, ideas andmorethat are not written inbooks.
——Pei Jiajie, a 2017 undergraduate,School of Management
I am deeply impressed atthis summerprogram.It was not only about communicationonArchive Science, but alsopromotedan in-depth understandingbetweenuniversity studentson both sides of the Straits.CCUgave us many surprises in thistrip: wevisitedthelibrary, Hwa-Kang Museum, and teaching buildings at CCU. I have learned a lotfrom CCUin terms of Library Science,Archive Digitalization,and many other aspects. Taiwanhas beenvery successfulindigital application in various fields. In addition,I feel attached tothe localcustomsof the wonderful island.
——Ding Yuwen, a 2017undergraduate,School of Management
I was delightedtotravel from northernChina to Taiwan foran internship.During the7-daytrip, we learned a lot from thespecializedcourses. We were taken good care of by the hospitable teachers andstudents, and experienced local customs and culture of Taiwan. The brief encounterisan unforgettable memory. Iwould like to give mysincere thanks toall the teachers fortheirefforts!Ihopeto participate more in programs like thisin the future!
——Ma Yuqing, a 2017undergraduate,School of Management