From August 4 to 17, 2019, the team of Pei Yu and 17 other students from the school of management led by Ms. Miao ShujuanwenttotheUKforthe 2019 Cambridge Summer Academic Program. This program includes academic courses and cultural experience. In this program, students lived in the dormitory of Cambridge and experienced the learning of the university andcommunicated withCambridge professors and students. About 80 students from other universities also participated in this program.

In this two-week program, students had taken academic courses and learned British culture. The academic courses included specialized core modules, supervisions, lectures and workshops,whichadded up to 45 classes (each class is one hour). Students were divided into two classes to learn leadership and innovation in the 21stcentury and accounting respectively. Immersed in the all-English teaching environment, students can master core professional knowledge through situation learning and be inspired by the teaching method focused on interaction and case study to develop logical and innovative thinking.

After class, students alsotookvariousvisitsand activities to learn about British culture, such as visitingfamous places like Regent Street, Historic Royal Palaces, thePrime Minister’s official residence and the Parliament House, andcoming tofamous companies like Verbtolisten to the lecture of how the companywasfounded.When learning about theprosperity and history of London, students experiencedthe distinct British culture, whichenriched theirhumanityknowledge.
In Cambridge, students also participatedin different activities, like Cambridge discovery, boating in river Cam, ceilidh dancing,hightabledinner, havingafternoon tea and enjoying sunset on the hill. These novel experiences provided students with a look into thedifferentlife in Britain.
The Cambridge Summer Academic Program has now come to an end. In the short yet exciting two weeks, students have gained more professional knowledge, improved their Englishanddevelopedtheir ability forindependentstudy. They havelearned how todealwith difficulties and move out of their comfort zone in workshops and gainedaglobal prospective intheseexciting activities. Manystudentssaid that through this program, they had known more about themselves and about their future development.

I thought England was always raining. Passersbywearinghats witha cup of coffeein handwere always in a hurry; I thought Cambridge was academic and serious; I thought professors there were intellectual and stern. However, when I really set foot on this land thousands of miles away, I find that the weather is not always cloudy but sunny most of the time. The sun shines on red telephone booths, red double-decker buses and walking doves; Cambridge is energetic. The river winds in the village, water is clear, wave is gentle and weeping willows shade the road; professors from Oxford and Cambridge are typical British gentlemen, humorous and easy-going. What I learnt and saw in Cambridge will always be my treasure.
——Yuan Xiaoge, undergraduate student from class 2016
Wonderful time flies. The visit to Cambridge comes to an end. When recalling theseshort but impressive two weeks, I learnedhow to live in a foreign country and improved my oral English. More importantly, I made friends with lovely Cambridge girls and met professor Jhon who inspired methemost.
——Zhang Mengyao, undergraduate student from class 2016
This short-term Cambridge program is really impressive and rewarding.Immersed intheenvironment of graceful BritishEnglish,Ilistened to lectures,engaged in theinteraction andbrainstorming in class,andlearnednew knowledge andnewthoughts. I alsochallengedand improvedmyself in teamwork and participatedin excellent activities.All these have benefited me and let me be cleareraboutmyfuture development and goals. I really enjoy the studythere. What is more valuable isthefriendshipI havedeveloped. Making friends with excellent seniors and learning from them and studying together with them have becomebeautiful memorythat never fades.
——Zhang Rongqian, undergraduate student from class 2018
Attending the classesof Professors from the top university improves my professionalquality; studying and living together with students from other universities enhances my teamwork competency; learning western culture has broadened my horizon. These two short weeks will be the most unforgettable memory in my life.
——Chuan Huankun, graduate student of class 2018
In mymind, Cambridge islikea dream as beautiful as a rainbow. I want to thank my school and university for providing thisvaluableopportunity, so that we can sit together with Cambridge students and professors, experiencethegood and pleasant academic atmosphere on the campus and learn about traditionalBritishculture. This trip isreallyrewarding. Walking in the beautiful campus of Cambridge, I would unconsciously slowdownand smile. There wasaverseechoing in my mind: In the gentle waves of Cambridge, I would be a water plant!
——Pei Yu, graduate student of class 2018