From July 8 to 13, 2019, the team of Chen Junze and 14 other students led byMs.Wang Hao visited Hanyang University, South Korea for the semifinal of the 2019 (the second) Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition for Chinese and South KoreanCollege Students.
The 2019 (the second) Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition for Chinese and South Korean College Students is a competitionofentrepreneurship, held by the entrepreneurship support teamofHanyang University, Confucius Institute of Hanyang University and Jilin University. This year, the competition is held in HanyangUniversity(thesemifinal) and Jilin University (the final). To promote international exchange, each team iscomposed ofSouth Korean students of Hanyang University, foreign students of Hanyang University and Chinese students of Jilin University.
The semi-finalstarts fromteam-formingand ends withbusiness plans.The teams choosefrom three fields to start up business—beauty industry, cultural exchange between Chinese and South Korean college students and community service—to propose business plans for the Chinese market. After fierce competition, Huang Shan and 6 other students fromtheschool of management of Jilin University got to the final.
After the competition, Hanyang University organized academic forums andsite visits for students to deepen their understanding on entrepreneurship and innovation and learn about the history and culture of South Korea. Led by teachers of Hanyang University, students visited theNational Museum of Korea, the 38thparallel, Imjingak, and Cheong Wa Dae (BlueHouse).Thesevisitshave led students to better understandthe relation between North and South Korea andhope forthe peace in the KoreanPeninsula. They saw the national treasuresof South Koreaandexperiencedthe social system of modern South Korea.
The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition for Chinese and South Korean College Students provides a platformfor students who want to start up their own businessto showtheircompetence and exchange ideas. This competition has deepened their understanding on business opportunities andthestart-up process and improved theirinnovative ability, leadership skills and inter-cultural communication ability.